That weapon was not in the original Half-Life, and is designed for healing other players, which you won’t have since you’re playing on a private server. One final note regarding the equippable medkit you obtain very early on. (Then vote yes when it asks whether you’d like to disable.) Since you’re playing on a private personal server, your vote will automatically pass and you can now respawn at a checkpoint any time you die. Highlight “Votes” and call a vote for ‘Toggle Survival Mode’. While in game, press “C” to bring up the in-game options menu. Step 5: The last thing you’re going to want to do is disable Survival Mode, which is enabled by default. Choose yes this removes all the extra Sven Co-op content and makes things as close as possible to the original Half-Life. Step 4: After you leave Black Mesa transit and walk up to the facility entrance, the game’s going to ask if you’d like to turn on Classic Mode. Press the Start button, and there you go! You’re playing Half-Life! Step 3: Boot up Sven Co-op, and from the main menu select “Start Game.” Click the dropbar, and choose the map “hl_c00”. If you already have Steam, you can ignore this step. Step 2: If you don’t already have Steam, you’ll be prompted to setup an account. Step 1: Go to the Sven Co-op page on Steam and download it by clicking ‘Play Game’.

In this article, I’ll be explaining step-by-step how to setup Sven Co-op so that you can play Half-Life they way it was meant to be.

Well now you can! Half-Life comes bundled within Sven Co-op, a free-to-play GoldSrc mod available on Steam. Have you ever wanted to experience it but don’t own the game? The original Half-Life is one of the most important and influential first-person shooters ever released.